2024 Armoured (Heavy) Combat

Avacal Book of Armoured combat (current) can be found at the bottom of this page.

Note: A Newbie Rapier tournament will occur Friday, 18:00 time at the Erics; hosted by Don Bjar the Blue; please see rapier activities page for more details.

Newbie Armoured (Heavy) Tournament (Friday, 19:00; inspection starts 18:30)

Hosted by Ademar Donadei di Pietro

Are you new & shiny and ready to get hit with sticks? Not so new, Slightly scuffed and ready to get hit with sticks? Kick off Quad War by fighting other new armoured fighters in a casual round robin (everyone fights everyone else at least once). Anyone with three years of less actual fighting experience (including those belted) are invited to join in the fun times. For further clarity or for questions, please contact Ademar.

Armoured Arcuarius Tournament (Combat Archery; Saturday, 10:00)

Ran and sponsored by Sir Ellias Silver

This tournament is designed for the Arcuarius of Avacal & Alies to showcase their combat archery skills to their inspirations, the populace and Archos alike. All combatants will participate in full combat armour. In order to participate combatants will need an Archos. Fear not if you do not have one; there is an opportunity to signs up to be an “Arcuarius for the day” with one of the Archos present. See the page on Target Archery & Thrown Weapons under Activities for more information

Armoured Combat & Light Combat War (Saturday, 11:00; inspection starts 10:00)

Organized by Warlord Sir Hjalti the WonderViking, Warlord Sir Wernar Ivarson, & deputy Warlord Quon Jien

Calling all heavy & light armour fighters to participate in some war. Armies will be formed, scenarios will be fought & fun will be had! After all, why not?

I look forward to seeing the great warriors of Avacal come together to test each other’s mettle, and to find ways to complement each other’s abilities – to that end here is what I have in mind for the heavy armoured war scenarios.

The 4 armies:

Everyone else (shires, etc. )

Each army will be randomly assigned a number 1-4

Scenario # 1
– Open field battle
– Armies 1&2 vs armies 3&4
– combat archery and siege included

Scenario # 2
– Bridge battle
– Armies 1&3 vs armies 2&4
– combat archery and siege included

Scenario # 3
– Boat battle
– armies 1&4 vs armies 2&3
– combat archery and siege included

Scenario # 4
– Castle battle
– Army with most wins vs other 3 armies

At the end of these “points battles” the army with the most wins will earn the heavy combat war point.


The remaining time could be used for people’s choice battles. It is my hope that this format will promote maximum participation, and allow all participants a chance to work together with each other and strengthen our forces. I am also putting out a call for marshalls to assist in running these scenarios. Please let me know if you are able to assist. Your help will be appreciated.

Sir William Marshall Tournament (Sunday, 10:00; inspection starts 9:30)

Sponsored by Odin’s Bastards along with Alfheim & Adeline; hosted by Odin’s Bastards

All armoured fighters of the Kingdom of Avacal, regardless of rank or time fighting, are invited to come test themselves against all comers. Sir William Marshall was one of, if not the, greatest medieval tournament fighters of all time. His prowess is the stuff of legend. Come write your own legend in one of Avacal’s premier prize tournaments. Odin’s Bastards are proud to sponsor this tournament that has no job or work attached to it. You don’t even have to run next year’s tournament. We will do that for you. There with be a prize to keep and an awe inspiring chalice to drink from for the year. The bragging rights could be yours.

Bordergate Defender’s Tournament (Sunday, 10:00)

hosted by Volchok Vikingsson, & current Defender, Inga in hraustliga

This tournament will take place along with the William Marshall tournament. Participants can either choose to enter the William Marshall Tournament (no title awarded) or the Defender’s Tournament (becoming the heavy defender for the Shire of Bordergate).

Delaroche Armoured Combat Buy-a-life Tournament (Sunday, 14:00-16:00)

Ran and sponsored by House Delaroche. 

House Delaroche once again invites all to a Buy-a-Life Tournament as a Castle fundraiser

How does it work? There will be a tourney for each of armoured combat, fencing, and archery. In each tourney you can buy lives for $2 each. You lose a life each time you are defeated but you’re not out until you have no lives left. And even then, you can buy more lives to stay in.

Even better, your friends can buy lives for you. Be an anonymous benefactor and discreetly buy lives for someone. Have fun with it. We’ll accept cash or e-transfers. These tourneys will be run Sunday afternoon one after another so you can take part in as many as you like and are authorized for.

There will be prizes. Anyone can win! Bragging rights go to the last competitor standing. A draw will determine who gets the prize.

Squires’ Tournament (heavy): (Monday, 10:00; inspection 9:00)

hosted by Duke Rorik Gunnarson

The format of this tournament will follow the traditional An Tir tournament: 1 hour with 10 minute break in the middle. Prospective combatants must be squires OR be squired for the day to a Knight on site; prospective combatants should also have an inspiration for whom to fight.

Avacal Book of Armoured Combat, version 5 (Dec_2023)